May 5, 2007 - Day 318
Contruction is winding down on the building's exterior. The cool corner staircase in the new Art Wing is taking shape.
I've included a few additional exterior views, too.
I've included a few additional exterior views, too.
Click image to enlarge
See BAVPA Reconstruction Archive for additional details and updates.
Artspace • BAVPA • Tour d'Neglect - 2007 • Woodlawn Row Houses • faq • my flickr
the creativity exchange • CEOs for Cities
wait a darn min why is it that my child is getting a detention cause she broke her leg i am sueaing 716 881-3342 call me honey i need some off the paper work so we can see who is the daddy
hahahahahaahahahahhaha you call this hard work
why is it every time i call you call eating all my food all the hogganmog
wait a darn min why is it that my child is getting a detention cause she broke her leg i am sueaing 716 881-3342 call me honey i need some off the paper work so we can see who is the daddy
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