
Tour d'Neglect - Summer 2007

Tour d'Neglect - 2007 is now officially scheduled and sponsored for 2007! Meet-up and return at the Sonic Café. Tour is about 3.5 hours and winds through 8 miles of the City's East side. Tour d'Neglect is offered through Buffalo Tours and co-sponsored by the Landmark Society and the Preservation Coalition. Due to popular demand, I've added a 4th stage this year. Here the dates...
Sunday June 17 • Saturday July 28 • Saturday August 18 • Sunday September 9
Here's the map...

We'll be crossing this on the way back and slowly winding our way through the Fruit Belt, up Ellicott and back to the Sonic Café. The narrative - despite the neglect and decay - is one of opportunity and hope. No registration required, just show up the day of the tour. We'll be leaving promptly at noon. Bring a lunch, plenty of water and make certain that your bicycle is in good working order.

Seeing the City by bike, especially parts that are slightly off the radar like these, is really an amazing adventure!
Artspace ArchiveAnnals of NeglectBAVPAWhere is Perrysburg?Broken Promises...
Writing the CityWoodlawn Row Housesfaqmy flickr
the creativity exchange


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Since the weather still thinks it's summer, any more?

Anonymous said...

You can not be any more pretentious. You are bad for Buffalo.

fixBuffalo said...

Maybe you'd like to explain your position, or not.