
Lofts or Landfill?

Walking along William Street the other day, towards sunset, I spotted these places.
Picture 439
Know nothing more about them. They look totally cool and will be ready for the landfill or loft development one of these days.
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Anonymous said...

Nice photo of the sunset. However, the streetscape brings to mind photos I've seen of Berlin in 1945. How can it be? Hope you still are on for the "tour"on Sat April 7.

fixBuffalo said...


Every Saturday at 11am...

Berlin 1945, Beirut 1985, Baghdad 2007...take your pick!

Anonymous said...

Once upon a time William was a jam-packed vibrant, bustling commercial street.

Then not so long later, it became just another casualty of a culture that decided cheesy tract "homes" and stripmalls would be a better way of living.

I'd say the landfill option is about 700x more likely than loft development. Shrunken parts of this city like this can no longer support all these buildings...sad to say.

Anonymous said...

Saturday boredom... too bad 20 minutes worth of bad photoshop can't be transformed into reality.


fixBuffalo said...


you are always so convincing...


excellent work...