
Reality Check...

Craig, over at America's North Coast, has just posted a reality check, from his perch over on Buffalo's West Side two blocks from Big Orbit, Essex Street Pub and his favorite place, The Left Bank.

Steeped in classical liberalism - today's conservatism - Craig's insight and wit continue to inspire. He's a huge Jane Jacobs fan, with her widely overlooked emphasis on private market mechanisms. Craig just promised to attend his first Ani DiFranco concert, if...you'll have to read on!

I've really been saying the same thing for years...if 1000 people move downtown and 10,000 people leave Buffalo, where's the trend? Did you see this about Buffalo's ever increasingly larger population loss?
Artspace ArchiveAnnals of NeglectBAVPAWhere is Perrysburg?Broken Promises...
Writing the CityWoodlawn Row HousesTour dé Neglect - 2006

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're right, Craig has really been on fire lately and that post you linked to in middle paragraph should be absolute must-read for all Buffalonians, especially the Buffalo Rising crowd.

Speaking of BRO, I'd really like to see Craig's writing in a larger forum such as theirs if they're open to that sort of thing. Or maybe in WNYMedia.net even.

Could be a win/win: Craig gets well-deserved wider audience and many progressive posters get quicker access to his common sense ideas for their use as a punching bag!