
Boards at Artspace - How Long?

Aside from Lourdes Church, this is the only building boarded on Main Street in Midtown.
Artspace bought 1217 Main Street in March 2006 for $50,000. A year later they had some problems with building permits here and with falling bricks. Two and half years later and it's still boarded. Why?

Always thought an art-centric incubator like this would be amazing upstairs, coffee shop or vodka bar down. Any other ideas out there?
ArtspaceBAVPAWoodlawn Row HousesfixBuffalo flickr
Creative ClassShrinking CitiesSaturdays in the neighborhood


Anonymous said...

This really is pathetic. If they can't find the money to rehab it, could they at least cut down the plywood to fit in the windows and get it properly boarded up.

But after well over a year (or was it two) someone has finally painted over the graffiti on the side of this building.

fixBuffalo said...

