
In the News and in Court...

In today's Buffalo News...
This isn't news to fixBuffalo readers. I've been reporting on Rev. Stenhouse's properties that surround the newly renovated Performing Arts HS for the past year. They continue to be in deplorable condition, wide open and rat infested. On my way down town this morning a number of neighbors said they were planning to tell Judge Nowak just how bad the houses really are...

In another development just heard that Rev. Stenhouse's Bethel CDC has just applied for City loans to re-hab 121 Woodlawn Avenue. It was rehabbed less than five years ago and for the past three years has been stripped and left wide open. Wrote about it recently - right here. It's what students at the newly renovated Performing Arts HS see when they look out the window.

Here's the link to additional information about Rev. Stenhouse's properties and a video from earlier this year.

Aside from the obvious problems with the building code violations and the deep irony that a control board member controls the largest collection of blighted property surrounding the City's newest school - the other issue of course surrounding Bethels's lack of stewardship include the possible conflict of interest where a control board member is seeking funds from an entity he actually controls. Not to mention the fact that the "rental registry" fees have not been paid and at least one of these four properties is on the October auction list.
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Anonymous said...

When I read things like "no comment" and "out of town" relating to a defendant, it stinks of a person who feels they owe zero accountability to the greater community.

Apparently Tobe seems to be more than complicit with S-House's HUD-fueled ponzi scheme.

Anonymous said...

he should take out a loan and buy a riding lawn mower so he can take care of the grass at all these dumps.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Tobe is sounding like a master of spin.

Also no mention of how these are right across from the new school in the article.