
Like to know...

Down the street from moi's house I spotted this the other day.

Like to know if there is some sort of cultural critique of these sorts of memorials. Do they appear in all sections of the City, or just some? Yes, Newell...this is a drive by photo...
Artspace ArchiveAnnals of NeglectBAVPAWhere is Perrysburg?Broken Promises...
Writing the CityWoodlawn Row Housesfaqmy flickr


Black Rock Advocate said...

We have these sorts of memorials here to as well as the persons name spray painted/marked every where possible. The temporary memorials are fine but the graffiti connected to it is not fine. Plant a tree in there memory don't deface private or public property. B.R.A

Anonymous said...

I see these types of Memorials all over the city..

Anonymous said...

what is the address of the building in the picture? it looks rather interesting...

fixBuffalo said...

273 Woodlawn Avenue...

Anonymous said...

i live in st. petersburg, florida.
your area of buffalo interests me
quite a bit. i have noticed that your neighborhood is just east of linwood and main. is there much happening on those blocks of main and linwood closest to you? i recently saw a listing for a property on the block of east utica adjacent to main. the two buildings in the picture featuring the listing looked quite amazing.

fixBuffalo said...

Bill, know the owner of those two buildings very well. Let me know if you are interested in taking a closer look.

Here from two sources that there's a deal pending for bldg at Main & Ferry , NW corner.

My experience suggests that things change slowly then all of a sudden. Most of the neighborhoods on the East side of Main are still under most people's radar...

Anonymous said...

i don't know buffalo at all, but the little bit that i have gleaned from your site and others suggests that you have the components for an incredible revival - great buildings and cheap prices. the important thing is to keep them out of the hands of the slumlords.
the west side of your city seems like a sure thing. exteriors of buildings are so important in changing neighborhoods.

Anonymous said...

They're called spontaneous shrines. Here are other Buffalo examples:


Anonymous said...

in suburban maryland, my friend crashed into a tree and died, that tree became a memorial with signs and photos and everything. im not sure that this tree has anything to do with the death of the person so it's probably a different scenario but 3yrs later, that tree in suburban maryland is still a landmark for all of us and there are new signs and photos everyonce in a while

Anonymous said...

Any time some kid gets too drunk and drives himself into an object, killing someone either inside or outside the car, the object into which they ran gets wreaths and ribbons and teddy bears, etc. Sometimes permanent crosses, etc. are placed in their stead after a while. I understand why people do it, but IMHO, the gravestone is memorial enough.