
A Safer Midtown?

Noticed that Belmont Shelter is loosening it's grip. The security bars on all their windows were removed late last week.
In Buffalo, Belmont Shelter processes lots of section 8 rental vouchers. The value of these vouchures in a rental market like ours no doubt contributed to the building's security.

Belmont still has the secured perimeter fence around their parking lot. Here's the pic from the roof next door at Artspace.
ArtspaceBAVPATour d'Neglect - 2007Woodlawn Row Housesfaqmy flickr
the creativity exchangeCEOs for Cities


Anonymous said...

Maybe they can sell the bars to Rev Stinkhole so he can secure some of his firetrap eyesore dumps.

Anonymous said...

now if we could work on getting rid of the whole building.

Hey dave,
What's going on with the p0st office connected to the Art Space building?