
Buffalo's Smallest!

Could this be Buffalo's smallest house? Think so.
It's located at 269 Fox Street [quikmap] and has been owned by the City of Buffalo since October 2005. According to a neighbor who has lived nextdoor for the last 50 years, the house at 269 Fox has been vacant for the last 15 years. Comes in at just over 12' and a full 2' narrower than its rival at 29 Ada Place, another City owned house.
269 Fox Street - Buffalo, NY
Same neighbor told me how she used to shop in the neighborhood and walk just about everywhere. Now she takes the bus to Cheektowaga to buy groceries. "I've seen the ups and the downs," she told me. "Used to walk to Church at Broadway and Fox. Guess people don't go as much as they used to. Probably should." Here's a pic from June '05 of the church she used to attend. It's now gone. It was demolished last year. She didn't know what the City's plans were for 269 Fox. She's concerned. She lives next door.
Michele Johnson just informed me that 269 Fox has been "flipped" on eBay twice in the last three years. And that's Shaan holding the tape.
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