
Art on Genesee

In search of Buffalo's smallest house this afternoon we stumbled upon some cool finds in the shadow's of St. Mary's on Genesee Street. And while taking pics, two little school girls, so proud of their recent artwork showed us their "Red Jacket" that is now framed in one of the second floor windows at the corners of Genesee and Guilford [quikmap].
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click image to enlarge
Here's all the work - Art on Genesee, slideshow. This sort of student inspired public art is really important and hats off to the teachers at the King Urban Life Center for supporting this project. Fast forward 2 years...wonder what the seven block stretch between BAVPA and Artspace along Michgan Avenue will look like if we have this project as a model? Cool.
Artspace ArchiveAnnals of NeglectBAVPAWhere is Perrysburg?Broken Promises...
Writing the CityWoodlawn Row HousesTour dé Neglect - 2006faqmy flickr


Anonymous said...


a friend of mine sent your link in an email to me. I am the visual artist who worked with the students during this summer project. Now we hope to build on and to expand it during this school year. Four other teachers were involved. The students also did research and learned more about these real life people. We visited theirs gravesites at Forest Lawn Cemetary, too. So, thank you for your kind and understanding comments. Yes, we have a lot of work and potential ahead of us.

fixBuffalo said...


Thanks for getting in touch and helping fixBuffalo readers understand this project. Will highlight other work here on the East side...just let me know.

