
Wiping Away Trico: Part II

The nomination application for the local landmark designation of Trico Plant #1 was submitted to the City yesterday.  Paul McDonnell, Chair of the Buffalo Preservation Board, has placed this on the Board's agenda as an action item.  Buffalo's Preservation Board meets this afternoon at 3pm in room 901 at City Hall.
No news yet from Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus Executive Director Matt Enstice.  As the City's designated developer of Trico Plant #1 he's recently announced plans to begin the demolition on April 15th.

The nomination application to designate Trico Plant #1 a local landmark was submitted by Paul McDonnell who is also President of the Campaign for Greater Buffalo.  To stay current with the fast moving developments and critically important preservation news the Campaign for Greater Buffalo has started a facebook group Save Trico.


Buffalo Resurrection said...

I have to admit that I am on the proverbial fence in regards to this building. However, I would freely speculate that the reinforced concrete design will be more of a problem in removal than it would be to incorporate into an adaptive reuse design. Plus, let us be honest, there has to be more open space within this building than is commonly known unless you are an alumni of Trico or an urban explorer.

Personally, I really love how the original building, with its medina sandstone peeks-out among the later additions and the open space above that would perhaps make for an ideal patio for employee breaks or lunch.

Also, why all of the pressure and censored media in regards to this building?

Library Diva said...

I'm on the fence in some ways too. On one hand, I can definitely appreciate the building's architecture, and I've always liked old industrial buildings.

On the other hand, Trico's history is well-preserved in the revitalized plant further down Main. And I sort of have psychological reasons for not really objecting much, too.

In that neighborhood, you have lots of amazing things. The old CEX building, the medical building-turned-Scientology headquarters and the Sidway Lofts whisper, "See? Adaptive reuse can do great things!" The Ulrich Tavern and the St. Louis Church proclaim, "See how our heritage endures!" The development in the medical corridor and the slow-but-sure revitalization of the 700 block of Main yell from the rooftops, "Buffalo is on the move!" Then you have the Trico plant, undercutting all your hopes and dreams, whispering "This is who you really are: a depressed, dying city that's unloved by everyone but demolition and asbestos abatement company. All you know how to do is fail. You ain't shit, you never will be."

Don't get me wrong, I am definitely a preservationist at heart. But not in every single last case. If UB isn't going to do anything with this building, at least they are knocking it down so that the sidewalks can be reopened down there.