
"Demolition by Neglect" meets Urbex...
For additional information:
Summer 2006 - Tour de Neglect
This is a three year old picture of the sanctuary of the Transfiguration Church located at the corner of Sycamore and Mills on the city's east-side. Here's the map.
Transfiguration Church - Interior
Last nite on the Discovery Channel an "urbex" team placed this abandoned, derelict and vacant church right in the face of the Masiello administration and Council President David Franczyk via national television.

Figmo from Buffalo Rising Journal is spreading the word about this forgotten and neglected architechtural treasure by reposting Mark's good work over at wnymedia.net who is hosting an 8 minute clip. You can see the inside of this church before it tumbles to the ground.
see the segment here
I've recently posted these pictures about the Transfiguration Church and other churches on the city's east side that are ready to crumble.

The segment also features a disturbing tour of Concrete Central, the city's Grain Silo's and a cool visit to the Anchor Bar.

Related Post: "Shirking Church, Shrinking City"
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