
Remember 669 Genesee Street?

Last January I started keeping track of 669 Genesee Street (google map). I was shocked to learn that 10 years ago the City of Buffalo purchased this complex of buildings - with no plan for their long term use in place, on paper anyway - and had rented it out for four, maybe five years. I thought this complex of buildings would make an excellent location for artist lofts or some sort of intentional community. It's just a mile from Main Street, great bus service, the street scape along Genesee Street is framed by the Electric building downtown and the recently renovated St. Mary of Sorrows Church that houses the King Charter School.
I returned several times last year with various "urbex partners." * I'm still amazed with the view from the roof. Anyway...here's last year's story...lots of comments, pics...etc...
The water was still running in the basement when I visited early last week. The window sashes are all gone and the basement windows, as you can see from the photos are wide open and present a serious hazard to pedestrians. If this building were closer to Elmwood or North Buffalo it would be properly sealed. So, what do we do? John Hannon, Director of Buffalo's Real Estate Division is in charge of maintaining and selling surplus City property such as this. No "FOR SALE" sign or website...come on John...
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I've placed this posts on Craig's List and attracted hundreds of hits from all over the northeast, Toronto and New York City. I've called Brian Davis's office, Ellicot Councilman and requested that it gets properly sealed. I gave it my best shot. I'm done.

We've sqaunderd our opportunity to properly seal and "moth-ball" 669 Genesee Street. The question is where is the $400-500K coming from to demolish it.

Any closing thoughts? Let me know...

* Never do this alone. It's dangerous, really.
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Anonymous said...

If I am correct this place is where National Fuel use to repair and store their meters. Also later use on the first floor where it is all pianted black and is creepy is where the police use to hold thier sex parties!! True story

fixBuffalo said...

come on...that's an urban-legend, no?

You are right about the 1st floor being painted black...have you explored this place?

Anonymous said...

National Fuel did use this building.

This building was the host to many
"official" sex parties

This building was home to a real estate sign company at one time.

It was a crime to send this building to the landfill.

City leaders who let this happen should be ashamed of themselves