
Front Page News...in Buffalo, NY!

In case you missed the front page story in yesterday's Buffalo News, here it is...

This has been a constant battle between the shopping cart pushers parading down William Street and East Side landlords for years. It's getting worse as the price of scrap metal, particularly copper is going up...

Last time I checked, a shopping cart cost close to $300 to replace. Solution. Arrest people pushing shopping carts down William Street with copper plumbing and hot water tanks in the carts. Having a shopping cart in your posession is stolen property. Period. Grocery stores own shopping carts, people don't.

Don't believe me - on your way to the Clinton Market drive down William Street past R & R Salvage and see the parade of shopping cart scavengers for your self.

Pictures soon...love the Wikipedia entry for Scavenger!

btw...you should see what happens to aluminum siding!
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Anonymous said...

I agree they should do the arrests you're suggesting, but I think the main reason it doesn't happen is there's already overflowing at the Holding Center and there's no stomach among our political leaders to build more prison space and significantly expand the percent of our population we keep behind lock-&-key.

Thus crimes such as cart theft, as well as car break-ins, burglaries, shoplifting, etc. essentially go unpunished in the city.

Anonymous said...

My parents home on winspear was robbed 4 times since August. Steel bars somehow ripped off windows to break in. House Stripped of everything, water heater, all of the pipes, windows, counter tops, cabinets, washer/dryer. They got an alarm which was ripped out and police didn't come. Must've taken hours to steal everything, neighbors either pretended not to see or were in on it. This needs to stop,obviously these criminals don't fear the "make my day law," they must be ready to shoot themselves. PLEASE HELP STOP THE CRIME. Soon this city will be a violent anarchy run by thieves. GOD HAVE MERCY