
Buffalo's Preservation Ready Survey - Part II

Earlier this week the Brown Administration released a preservation report, Buffalo's Preservation Ready Survey. It was made available in PDF format only. I've mapped the 84 properties in the report that have been determined to be National Register eligible.

I've also compiled the data from the original report and provided an easily searchable and shareable spreadsheet to help better understand the City's efforts. Here's the link.

A more detailed analysis and commentary about this project will be forthcoming.

1 comment:

phylllis said...

Looks like everything that the "City" wants to save is either right around Main St. up to Michigan or in the 1st Ward... What about any of the buildings that are on the Eastside? Do they not deem any of them worth saving? When will they decide to expand their scope to include the Eastside, when it is completely gone? Very short sighted...