Just received the latest e-newsletter from George Grasser and Partner's for a Liveable WNY - January 2007. George is adding hyperlinks to some of his commentary and notes for further exploration of what's happening here and around the country. Check it out.
I've archived past Partner's Newsletters, over here.
__________________________________________________________________________I've archived past Partner's Newsletters, over here.
Artspace Archive • Annals of Neglect • BAVPA • Where is Perrysburg? • Broken Promises...
Writing the City • Woodlawn Row Houses • faq • my flickr
Ahhh, more George "How Can I Profit From My Ideas" Grasser and his merry band of profiteers.
How can they host a regionalism conference with the LWV and discuss municipal policies that encourage sprawl and have the BNP, Patrick Development and Grasser as panelist... all of whom profit on current policy and who all are aimined to stragegically change policy in their favor.
And again, anything out of George's mouth and his anti-car dependency postings in his newsletter are blatant hypocrisy as he's continues to profit from his sprawl-inducing developments such as Oxbow in Lewiston.
Continue to follow him like a lemming everyone, he's leading you right down the path to his own profit.
Anon 926,
C'est la vie.
yes, lemmings over the cliff of sustainability...
i didn't realize the bendersons read this site!
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