
Saving Transfiguration

Living and breathing abandonment and decay begins to weigh heavily on one's soul. I spoke with a British sociologist the other day. He was in town for a seminar at Buffalo State College. He told me about a Buffalo tour he had earlier in the morning and I recited a portion of the preservation catechism and it just fell out of my mouth in a reflexive way that seemed to shock our British guest. "You know at the turn of the 20th century there were more millionaires per capita in Buffalo than anywhere else in the country." Like even before I had finished what I had rehearsed he said, "So, you know live in a ghost town, a city that's a shadow of its former self."

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I was thinking about what he said while I was taking pictures again of the Transfiguration Church later in the week. I've received e-mails from all over the country from former parishoners that are shocked and dismayed regarding the current condition of Transfiguration.
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I know local attorney, Bill Trezevant doesn't really care for me. He got his mother to sign and become the President of the corporation that owns this building. We last sparred in January. He ran for Ellicott District councilman awhile back and when I checked Board of Election records, none of his contributions, save from downtown law offices, came from residents of Ellicott District.

When I visit City Hall this week, I'll go next door to City Court and check on the the status of warrant for his mother and see if he's done the right thing and put up the money for Transfiguration's demolition. I'll be all over his ass if he stiffs and let's the taxpayers of this "ghost town, a city that's a shadow of its former self," pay for the demolition.

Check out the one pic. I was tipped off by a neighbor living nearby that the City's crew's were out earlier in the week with those barricades and yellow ribbon. Like the yellow plastic ribbon is going to help when more slate shingle slides off the roof...
My favorite Transfiguration pic - Must See!!
Here's the Housing Court History - Docket # 869/97
PS: Bill, I've picked up a dozen or so shingles off the sidewalk and side lawn. Let me know where I can drop them off. Thanks, David
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