
"Flipping" churches...only in Buffalo!
In response to my previous post regarding the diocesen dis-investment plans, I received this comment from one of the most astute critics of Buffalo's mis-management and decline, Dick Kern.
Thanks for taking up my longtime concern about Catholic abuse of power & use of govt funds to dispose of surplus property. . . now proposing to build more "new" while abandoning "old. Go look at the new Catholic church on the site of the old German Orphanage at Dodge & Northampton, surrounded by "Catholic" blight, which they sequentially dumped to corrupt Mark Trammell, son of corrupt City Court Judge Wilbur Trammell, who dumped to the city of Hazelton as bum security for a HUD loan, then to Wizig of Houston, now to CAO. All while keeping the "shovel ready" center of the parcel for their own cheap use.
This is the McChurch the diocese built literally in the shadow of their former property on Dodge Street, which I wrote about last month. And I can only imagine that the diocesen real-estate office must be sharing resources with the US Postal Service to get building to look like this.
St. Martin de Porres
click to enlarge
While most eyes focus on the downtown core and maintain that resources should be made available for the west-side and that triage is what's needed most to manage a city in decline, let's remember that the catholic church just declared this place closed. It's located right on Elmwood, right around the corner from Betty's. This place used to be known as Immaculate Conception. Looks like the stained glass has already been removed.
Immaculate Conception - Buffalo, NY

Immaculate Conception - Buffalo, NY Immaculate Conception - Buffalo, NY Immaculate Conception - Buffalo, NY
click to enlarge
Other churches and schools will be closing, soon. Get ready...remember Dodge Street! I guess this "flipping" practice has been going on for some time.

Related Post: Shrinking City...Shirking Church
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