
Bored yet with Blight?

So school is just around the corner and these three houses sit less than a block away from the temporary home of Waterfront School located here, see cool google map. The plan is for Waterfront to stay in this little corner of Masten untill the site remediation and building renovation for their downtown location (cool pic) is completed. So the former Buffalo Traditional High School is designated as a "swing-school" under the Joint School Reconstruction Project and will undergo a $32 million renovation next year and re-open as Performing Arts High School.
1464, 1466 & 1470 Michigan Avenue 1470 Michigan Avenue
click to enlarge
This is what the places looked like 8 months ago.
1464 Michigan Avenue - January '05 1466 Michigan Avenue - January '05 1470 Michigan Avenue - January '05
click to enlarge
Can't quite figure it out why the sidewalk gets repaired before the house gets demolished. Anyone want to venture a guess? Vacant properties here on the city's east-side are an enormous public health issue. I've written and documented the pervaisivness of the problem in relation to several Buffalo Public Schools that were just renovated at a cost of $100 million. My preliminary report about this is called School House Project.

The related posts are a good jumping off-point to begin understanding the "thirdworldization" of Buffalo and the ever expanding "urban prairie." Check out especially "Vacant Houses, Broken Promises."

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