
Gehry on The Simpsons...

I get called out at times. NGD got under my skin when she posted this comment on Buffalo Rising's story about what's shaping up as a debacle behind city hall, An Atlanta-style commerce park...in the heart of downtown Buffalo.

So, I push my aesthetic and architechtural criticism to the limit sometimes and recently called Gehry's Disney Center in LA, "ugly." NGD, shot right back with alittle venom reply.
ngd said...

David, about Gehry's WDCH, you really should just stick to talking about things you know. At the end of the day, who cares whether or not you find it "ugly"? It's a stunning piece of architecture that succeeds on many counts as a building and as an object of civic design. The auditorium is just one of the building’s many achievements--one of the most intimate and egalitarian public spaces ever crafted.

Stop googling for other people's opinions of the building. Stick to photographing blight and decay and leave the architectural criticism to people who have a clue.

7/24/2005 02:32:43 PM

On Sunday night FoxTV reran The Simpson's episode featuring Frank Gehry. John Hill via A Daily Dose of Architecture (totally awesome blog, btw) captured some of the screen shots of Gehry's latest concert hall in Springfield.

Ok...back to photographing blight and decay...
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1 comment:

  1. So, I guess 'ngd' likes Gehry's, umm, work. She could just say that, instead of attacking someone who doesn't. tsk
