
Figmo is BACK...

I just finished posting this...about missing Figmo...and a few hours later I get an e-mail from him along with this story that is central to long-term stabilization of our schools and community.

I've been a huge supporter of school choice and I think the best thing ever to hit public education here in Buffalo, NY is competition. Check this out...Phil Rumore and the BTF just got Figmoed...big time...

Union leaders are, predictably, protesting. The Buffalo Teachers Federation and three smaller unions will see changes take effect Sept. 1. Not deaf to their outrage, Williams suggests the unions come to the table and work out a compromise on this thorny issue. Given the contractual context, this is probably the best solution. BTF President Philip Rumore's claim that the unions were not surprised by Williams' move is suspect. The superintendent chose an ambitious and creative option and then announced plans to meet with those 88 teachers and 26 administrators he had to lay off.
I know this is way off topic...yet as Buffalo continues to hemorage with dozens of people leaving the city every week to pursue economic opportunity, Williams message couldn't be more on-point. Rumore better take the medicine and get out of the way. Same hardline "Mullah"-like orthodoxy as McGurn...

Here's the On-line Petition Figmo is helping to circulate.
To: Buffalo Teacher Federation

We the undersigned, call on the Buffalo Teachers Federation (BTF), its officers and members to immediately accept the single payer health insurance plan proposed by the Buffalo Board of Education. Covered employees will not lose a single penny or an ounce of coverage with this plan, yet it will save the Buffalo City School District millions of dollars. With 75% of 8th grade graduates not prepared for 9th grade and 60% of 4th grade students not prepared for 5th grade, the time, energy and resources of the District and the BTF must be focused on turning this travesty around, not for the sake of negotiations�.for the sake of our children.


The Undersigned

btw...did any but else hear about our new Superintendent "crashing" a neighborhood meeting over at Kenfield-Langfield last week? Proactive and in-your-face...what Buffalo needs. Thanks George and Florence.

Make sure to check out Florence Johnson's blog, Fix Education. The only elected local official I know of that has a blog...
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