One year ago today the Woodlawn Row Houses were razed in an emergency demolition following a late-night fire. The row, designated a City landmark in 1982, was owned by the City of Buffalo. Here's the archive of pics and posts.
What remains - charred shingle
The year that followed the fire has seen two development projects initiated in the neighborhood. Both bring some hope. The faith-based housing projects, developed by Reverends Pridgen and Stenhouse, respectively, form book-ends on opposite ends of Woodlawn Avenue. A number of single family homes have been developed - here and here.
The vacant City-owned lot, where the Woodlawn Row Houses once stood
Alternatively, a number of architecturally significant and urbanistically unique City-owned residential properties in Midtown continue to languish. The fate of 94 Northampton, 393 Masten and 11 Holland Place remains uncertain. Two of these properties - 393 Masten and 11 Holland Place - are part of a two-year old City sponsored subsidized rehab program, yet no progress has been made. 94 Northampton was nearly demolished earlier this year, but was given a stay of execution by Jim Comerford, Commissioner of Permits & Inspection.
A year later, one landmark burned, have we made progress? Are we learning?
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building index • fixBuffalo flickr • creative class • shrinking cities • americansuburbX
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