
A Tale of Two Cities Chapter 3

Back in June I began wondering if the property at 60 Brantford, where there was thru the roof fire on May 13th, would be addressed quicker than the problems over at 198 Glenwood Avenue. I posted an up-date in July.

I linked to that post in a comment that I placed on Buffalo Rising last nite. It's part of a series of comments regarding the recent developments at 504 Elmwood and some praise for Paul Johnson. He's developed some cool places along Elmwood recently and according to Council Member Golombek Paul has recently purchased 60 Brantford and will demo the burn-out and build rowhouses on the site.

Last summer, I met with neighbors near 60 Brantford and attended the Housing Court session where Joe Golombek was advocating for the prompt resolution of this problem. Next to a school, just like 198 Glenwood is two short city blocks away from the future home of Performing Arts High School. Here's the google map showing the proximity.
A Tale of Two Cities...East & West
198 Glenwood Avenue 60 Brantford Place
The question of course is why does it take longer to properly address a burn-out on the City's East Side. I'm re-posting for a number of reasons including that I got some pretty hot comments about my June and July rant this evening after linking over at Buffalo Rising.

Here's the comment...
Why does Joe Golombek seem to listen to westside residents, show up inhousing court, bring Citi-stat to our city and promote one reform afteranother while Antoine Thompson doesnt answer emails, return phone callsor show up in housing court? Read the rest
I'll forward this post to Antoine Thompson, Masten Councilman in the morning. I've already thanked Joe G...
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