
Retain Judge Nowak Petition 2.0
I guess the folks who started the first petition ran into some unexpected technical difficulties with Petition 1.0 and so have re-created the identical text here.
Petition to Retain Judge Nowak - version 2.0
For those of you are not familiar with the story behind the story you may want to get up to speed here:
This morning Kevin Hayes forwarded this to me from the creators of the first and now second petition.
From: "Citizens for Accountability" < CFABuffalo@msn.com>
Date: Sun, 10 Jul 2005 09:58:10 -0400
Subject: Garrett Inspection timeline vs article and receipt of suspicious letter
Look at the timeline:
Article in Buffalo News comes out on June 22, 2005.
By the grace of the gods - a letter, whose author cannot be confirmed, whose address is ECMC, is received citing Mr Garrett's home as an eyesore the very next day.
The same day the letter is received, an inspector is sent out to Mr. Garrett's home.
Q1 - What time was the inspector at Mr. Garrett's home on June 23rd?
Q2 - Has anyone had that quick a delivery from the local post?
Q3 - Can the Department of Inspections show the original envelope the letter came in with the postdate of June 22?
Q4 - Even if a party used overnight delivery, could this letter have reached the Inspections Department, and could it have been acted on that quickly, especially in lieu of the fact that their administrative staff is overworked and doesn't have the time to cite the other 523 houses in the four month backlog?
Think about it folks. And, if your intelligence is as insulted as many others, and you are as enraged as many others, think about writing a letter to the editor of the Buffalo News. Make sure you end your letter with a line that consists of something akin to:
"I am sure my home with be scrutinized since I take my First Amendment Rights seriously. I will let you know when my home is cited for court."
And this as part of their original e-mail campaign.
From: "Citizens for Accountability" <CFABuffalo@msn.com>
Date: Sat, 9 Jul 2005 22:57:22 -0400
Subject: Keep Judge Nowak in Housing Court

Dear Citizens, for some reason or another, there has been a snafu in the original online petition to keep Judge Nowak in Housing Court. For this reason, a new URL is up and running. We should be able to retrieve the original petition in the near future and transfer the over 150 signatures and comments to this new site. Until then, please consider your entry to this new petition.
Judge Nowak has provided the citizens of Buffalo, NY with innovative programs to assure that quality of life issues are addressed for the community while also assuring the home owners are provided fair and impartial remedies for repair of their homes. Without these programs continuing past 2005, we may enter into the housing quandary experienced before his tenure thus far. If you have questions, please contact us by reply e-mail. Thank you for your consideration. Go to this site to sign the petition or e-mail us for a hard copy to distribute in your neighborhood:
Once you are through signing, please consider forwarding this URL to your friends, family, and associates.
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