
Ray McGurn...gets Figmoed, again!
Figmo at BuffaloRising has these words for Ray McGurn.

Amy Maxwell at Revitalize Buffalo posted this story, too! And Allen Bedenko, aka Buffalo Pundit jumped on the story yesterday, too.

Seems like we are now waiting for Byron Brown to distance himself from politics as usual in Buffalo. Can he? Will he? I bet you his strategists are telling him, "...rely on the collective short memory of the electorate, they won't remember this in November..."
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  1. it would be good to see a picture of Harvey's house contrasted with some city owned property or perhaps property owned by one of Buffalo's biiggest slum lord's, The Catholic Church. It must be in pretty bad shape to be pushe dup the list faster than some of the stuff you have been showing.

  2. David...you get it! Many people may see this just as an attack against HG and some see the larger picture...maintain the status quo.

    And so it goes...
