
Meeting Harvey Garrett...
I met Harvey last year to discuss his west-side plans to see what I could steal and bring to the east-side. No, not the architectural detail from his house but some of the strategies that we might be able to use over here in this little 25 block area of Masten...Main to Jefferson -- Ferry to Utica.

Well it just so happens that some of the collaborative ideas that we talked about are just beginning to work...

You can read about it here...and from the President of Buffalo's Board of Education, Florence Johnson, too...over here at her way cool blog FixEducation.

In about an hour I'm meeting with the Masten District Housing Court Liaison in a neighborhood walkabout to prioritize and plan Housing Court strategy for the area immeadiatily surrounding the future home of Performing Arts High School. The meeting was set up long before the Mullahs in City Hall declared that housing activists and people who live in the neigbhorhoods should have limited access to Housing Court.

Meanwhile...ask yourself which place would you rather live next door to.
Woodlawn Row Houses - July 2005 0710garrett
Downtown refuses to properly secure or proactively market one of the City's historical and architectural treasures. Talk about priorities...

If it takes Harvey another 9 years to complete the work on his house...so what. There's progress. Meanwhile progress in the other direction is accelerating across town on the city's east-side.
Artspace ArchiveAnnals of NeglectBAVPAWhere is Perrysburg?Broken Promises...
Writing the CityWoodlawn Row HousesTour dé Neglect - 2006faqmy flickr

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