
Inspecting "City of Buffalo" Property...

Frequent readers of my blog, know and understand and most often usually appreciate that I have brought to light a number of abandonded, boarded, derelict and vacant "City of Buffalo" owned properties on the east-side.

The two most egregious examples of "municipal malfaesance" are the Woodlawn Avenue Row Houses and the Wollenberg Grain Elevator. Both of these buildings have architectural and historic value and were designated with "local-landmark" status and "National Registry" status respectively.

I've gotten into some hot water with John Hannon, Director of the City's Real Estate Dept. in the past few months. It began when I first pointed out that a former light industrial complex at 669 Genesee Street that the city actually purchased 10 years ago and proceeded to rent for 5 years was wide open and needed his Dept's immediate attention. John Hannon apparently didn't like what I wrote over here either, about some other property the city owned. Yes, we are landlords, too.

I've looked at these properties periodically and just revisted this property at 669 Genesee Street. The building was wide open again. My "urbex" partner and I checked to see if the water had finally been turned off. You might remember, this last March an ice sculpture the size of a large U-Haul had formed in the basement. Well...four months later the water is still running...gushing in the basement.
3 pictures for you 3 pictures for you
3 pictures for you
We made it to the roof and took these shots. Someone has removed the capstones from the perimeter of the building. The place has been empty for 5 years and in all my "urbex" ventures I've never seen such wanton destruction. It's intentional. Vandals would have tossed the capstones over the side. With out this protection the structure is seriously compromised.

The Monroe Street side's third floor is still a law-suit waiting to happen. Dozens of bricks all over the side walk. Go figure...
2 pictures for you 2 pictures for you
A little further in to the city's east side...this little place is listed in the city's catalogue of houses for sale. I first started taking pictures of 319 Koons Avenue in April and May. I secretly taped the door to see if any attempt had been made to secure it. The tape is still there. 319 Koons is just around the corner from the new Emerson School on Sycamore Street. This map shows that proximity. It sits directly across the street from 320 Koons Avenue, the scene of a four brutal murders in April. It's still wide open in the back, 100 days after informing John Hannon, Director of Real Estate that the property needed his immediate attention.
3 pictures for you
Please don't think that the east-side of Buffalo is the only place with abandoned, boarded, derelict and vacant property. Check this place out on Niagara Street at the foot of Lafayette.
Schaeffer Brewery - Niagara Street
And the owner? You know. The City of Buffalo.

Seems like the City Hall's Law Department and Michael Risman could be spending more time identifying Buffalo businesses that are property tax delinquents and on the verge of dumping property in the city's lap. This sort of proactive vigilant watch would go along way in preventing "property dumping" like this. The corporation that abandoned this property was Schaeffer Brewing.

Instead the Law Department under Michael Risman's watch in engaged in helping Common Council President David Franczyk save a forest 40 miles away.

And so it goes...
Artspace ArchiveAnnals of NeglectBAVPAWhere is Perrysburg?Broken Promises...
Writing the CityWoodlawn Row HousesTour dé Neglect - 2006faq


  1. You are a credit to the City. keep up the good work!

  2. Kevin, I appreciate the vote of confidence...thanks!
