
Artspace is Coming to the 'Hood...
...Sarabeth Artist Lofts

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First mentioned this development here, in December. Seems like the puzzle pieces are falling into place. Heard recently from NYS Senator Dale Volker's office that he's completly behind the project for Buffalo. He also wanted Common Council President David Franczyk to focus more on Buffalo and less on Perrysburg. About that...

This is another "puzzle piece" for the emerging arts & education community in this corner of Buffalo's east side.

In a related matter...I'll be joining the Buffalo Academy of the Visual & Performing Arts (BAVPA) Parents Group and Alumni Association this week in city hall to fianalize plans to move BAVPA to the recently abandoned "Buffalo Traditional" high school site. This is part of the Joint Schools Contruction Project and another significant "puzzle piece" here in this emerging arts & educational community in Masten. See this...

The full text of the Sunday's Buffalo News article about the Sarabeth Artist Lofts, is right here.
Artspace ArchiveAnnals of NeglectBAVPAWhere is Perrysburg?Broken Promises...
Writing the CityWoodlawn Row HousesTour dé Neglect - 2006

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