
On the Other Side of the Tracks from
Emerson High School

At one end of Koons Avenue we have a renovated Emerson High School. Students arrive in a few weeks. Michele Johnson has been involved in getting the owners of 242 Koons Avenue, 50 feet away from the school, to maintain their property. They obviously have no intention of doing so and Judge Nowak has a warrant for their arrest. Seems like it's not effective because they live outside of his reach, in Redwood City California.

At the other end of Koons Avenue, 500 feet away from the school is this.

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The Wollenberg Grain Elevator was last in buisness 15 years ago according to Stan who lives accross the street on Koons Avenue. In 2003 this structure was placed on the National Registry of Historic Places. As you can see from the photos the complex is wide open. Stan told me this afternoon that the Buffalo Fire Dept often visits just to check on the place. I had the the unexpected opportunity this afternoon for an exterior inspection and an inside tour. Here the pics!

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The City of Buffalo is the legal owner of this place. And according to Stan who spent 5 years in housing court dealing with relatively minor code violations - peeling paint and a roof for his shed - he's lived in his home for 35 years and works part time and like many of us money is really tight (his case was dismissed in a jury trial!!!) he was quick to point out that the city of Buffalo also owns the house adjacent to The Wollenberg Grain Elevator. This house at 122 Koons Avenue.

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While Michele Johnson is pursuing the folks who own the house 50 feet away from Emerson High School will someone please tell me what we are supposed to do with the other landlord down the street. I'm open for suggestions. Because the same landlord also owns this, 50 feet away from Buffalo Traditional High School.

Same streets, different landlords, same problems!

Artspace ArchiveAnnals of NeglectBAVPAWhere is Perrysburg?Broken Promises...
Writing the CityWoodlawn Row HousesTour dé Neglect - 2006faq

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