
Status quo...again last month...

These pictures were taken on Tuesday February 1st. Followers of this blog will recognize that I'm documenting and posting pictures here on a regular monthly basis. I believe this is what the Mayor Masiello means:

"each property will be monitored monthly for compliance accross all regulatory
and enforcement jurisdictions in an interdepartmental review."

That's from the "Mayor's Livable Communities Initiative: A Housing Strategy for the City of Buffalo" Here the priority is "problem properties" around schools and properties that have preservation status. It was published by the Office of Strategic Planning in July 2004 by Timothy E. Wanamaker, Executive Director.

During the past month we have received a generous gift for the purchase of plywood to properly secure the rear openings of the Woodlawn Row Houses. In cooperation with a local realtor and a few neighbors we'll be conducting a work day around the site.

You can see in one of the pics that the new youth center is beginning to take shape.

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