
Reminder, Coe Place Auction

This Thursday at 11am at the Erie County Hall, 39 Coe Place will be sold to the higest bidder. Here's the link from JER Revenue Services. As I wrote last month I've known 39 Coe Place to be vacant for at least 10 years. A good friend lived next door at 33 Coe and I've had a chance to keep my eye on this one.

Here's a few current pics from the other day, front and back of 39 Coe Place. Here's the google map to get you to 39 Coe Place.
39 Coe Place - Buffalo, NY 39 Coe Place - Buffalo, NY rear
click to enlarge
Word is that the recent Polis Realty listings just sold to a local buyer for 10K/house. Plans are to renovate and ride the Artspace wave...

Check the Artspace Archive for additional neighborhood information, especially Coe Place!
Artspace ArchiveAnnals of NeglectBAVPAWhere is Perrysburg?Broken Promises...
Writing the CityWoodlawn Row HousesTour dé Neglect - 2006faq


  1. Well the contracts for three of the houses, see previous posts, have been signed...typically the signs don't come down 'till the deals close.

    This one at 39 Coe is still up for grabs...tomorrow 11 am at County Hall...

  2. I'll investigate and re-post what I find. Thanks for getting back to me...
