
About blogging

I've posted about the state of the blogosphere a few weeks ago. The role bloggers are beginning to posess in social transformation and as a player in the context of the media environment is not completley certain and our impact is still wide open for debate. Just check out the community of criticism and concern at Buffalo's biggest blog, Buffalo Rising. These guys move faster and focus community concern in ways the local print media just can't. It's as if bloggers are near the finish line when the print media is still warming up...

Will blogs replace traditional main stream media outlets such as newspapers? An article in this weekend's Financial Times is getting traction in the blogosphere right now. The reporter, Trevor Butterworth, has put together a blog to gather criticism and reviews about his piece, "Time for the Last Post." Read that article and then check out Trevor's blog here, FTMagBlog. Read the comments for a totally refreshing spin on the state of the blogosphere. Lots of heavy duty cultural/media criticism regarding the role of journalists and bloggers.

Sort of cool that a journalist for a major paper is playing both sides in the print and more interactive digital medium. Wonder how long it's going to take Warren Buffet to open the Buffalo News up to reporters' blogs. Would love to see that. You know they already do in Toronto!
Artspace ArchiveAnnals of NeglectBAVPAWhere is Perrysburg?Broken Promises...
Writing the CityWoodlawn Row HousesTour dé Neglect - 2006faq


  1. fix buffalo, excellent article and i do wonder when our hometown reporters will have their own blogs. everybody's doing it (Wired, for ex.) but on the other hand, i wonder: do journalists who blog remain "neutral", and/or does it matter anymore? - jennimi

  2. J,

    I mean do people still read the paper and think it's gospel? What do you mean by neutral? Hmmm...

  3. hey fix the b-lo, sorry it took me so long to come back around here.... fighting a tummy thing and immersed in school: by neutral i guess i mean unbiased. there was something about how journalists are s'posed to be just that. i ask if it matters because well, i am not sure it does anymore. bloggers "publish", journalists "editorialize". lines are being crossed every day, more and more, for better and for worse. keep up the great work!

    i went to Ulrich's last night.... Scott and i are looking forward to the Tour De Neglect! Oh all those beautiful old houses and buildings....

  4. great flickr pics of NYC...

    You guys should have called me. I've still never been to Ulrichs. Unbelievably, I know. Let's do it before the Tour...

