
Wireless Buffalo...
Over at Buffalo Rising, Figmo is keeping hope alive here in Buffalo that the existing and very limited "wi-fi" hot spots should expand. Seems like the "creative class" in Austin, TX and Champaign-Urbana are on to something and fueling creativity and efficiency with free-wireless.
Both places have glommed on to the "Do It Yourself" model of municipal wirelss and embracing free "open source software" available on the Linux model. This is one of the models that is being used to connect people for free.

CUWiN is a cutting edge research and development initiative. CUWiN has pioneered the first open source implementation of Hazy Sighted Link State routing protocol (first developed by BBN Technologies); thus CUWiN's software creates a highly robust, scalable ad-hoc wireless networks. CUWiN's route prioritization metric is based on research conducted at MIT and will automatically adapt to any network topology and local geography.

CUWiN's software is, and always will be, available for free. CUWiN is a non-profit organization supported by grants and donations. CUWiN's software provides one of the world's most advanced networking solutions available today; and we are now making our software available to the general public to use, test, and help develop. We know that there are features and improvements that people will want to see in future releases -- as an open source project, we are counting on the feedback and input from people around the globe.

I've been touting "wi-fi" for awhile and created this Buffalo wi-fi Map. Seems like if we want to firmly establish the creative class in "New" Buffalo...we got to connect first! Check out what's happening here...and ask yourself why we can't have it in "New" Buffalo.

Related Posts: Buffalo Wi-Fi and Do It Yourself Wi-Fi.
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1 comment:

  1. I've actually shared in getting Buffalo wireless, aiding in the BuffaloWiFi.org project. In addition to Cathedral Park, is the lobbly of the Ellicott Square building - WiFi + Charlie the Butcher = :) !

    New this year is the 600 block of Main Street, covering from Shea's down to (and probably past) TGI Friday's.

    I'm pretty sure that BuffaloWiFi would accept corporate sponsors donating bandwidth and / or building space. Let's make Buffalo a better place!
