
New Buffalo Post Office Buildings...
When news came that the 14209 Post Office was going to re-locate, I e-mailed and and encouraged everyone I knew who might have an interest in the future relocation to attend the first community meeting last month. Here's that stuff, all archived and ready to go...

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to cruise around and check out what the Post Office has been doing with new buildings in Buffalo. Here's what I found.
DSCN1645 DSCN1638
DSCN1626 DSCN1617
All of the new post office buildings have that familiar suburban style look and feel, huge set-back from the street and nice parking lots in front. The po behind city hall is sort of isolated, totally truck friendly with an attached parking lot. It was the only one built with a bike rack sort of sprinkled in as an afterthought.

If the past 10 years of "PO" construction is any precedent for the new 14209 building, it looks like we have our work cut out for us as we lead our elected and annointed to make the right decisions for a new urban post office that is pedestrian friendly and designed properly to fit the urban streetscape.

When I met with Allita Steward, from Strategic Planning, last week, she promised to let me know when the next round of publice hearings will be held.

A history lesson from Buffalo's past...
  • The Old Post Office was the subject of controversy before it was even built. The 1893 Tarnsey Act required architectural competitions for major federal buildings. The Buffalo post office was the first major government building to occur after the act became law. See the whole story.
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