
Kelo...comes to WNY
While the Buffalo Blogosphere is lighting up with various vociferous, vacuous and on occaision a valid review of what one of the latest Supreme Court rulings mean for the home-owners, planners and developers, seems like the good folks in the the Cedargrove Heights area of Cheektowaga are preparing to do battle. (see map)
Stan & Barbara Dunn
Stan & Barbara Dunn
So, I thought once upon a time the Democrats were all in favor of the little guy. Where are they now for Susette Kelo in New London and for Barbara Dunn in Cheektowaga? Something tells me that Jim Ostrowski and Free Buffalo will be all over this case like real soon.
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1 comment:

  1. People who live in upscale neighborhoods probably aren't terribly concerned about Kelo -- unless of course they retain a few principles of the importance of private property.

    The well-to-do neighborhoods aren't likely to be touched by Kelo's implications; they already produce "sufficient" tax revenue.

    And when -- just sayin' -- some day UB Amherst, for example, decides it absolutely has to buy up a chunk of residential property for its new bio-informatics complex, the residents will be able to afford the army of lawyers who will probably successfully thwart the effort.

    Maybe then an old saying will be updated with -- conservatives are liberals who've had their land expropriated.
