
Going, Going...
I first started writing about 2 Girard - google map over here in March, and later in May. The place always catches my eye while driving along the "scar" that never heals. It's right across "Humboldt Parkway" from Deaconess Hospital.
2 Girard A Neighbor's View
click to enlarge
Look how close to perfect the neighbor's place is. I'm sure they are just as interested as dozens of my blog readers have become in the future of 2 Girard. I'll make sure to let the neighbors know the owner of 2 Girard has a court date with Judge Nowak.
  • Buffalo Housing Court Case #868/2005 on August 2 at 930am.
When I stopped by to take pictures today I noticed that the back door was wide open. I knocked and since no one was home, I decided to venture inside. This is what I saw...

2 Girard 2 Girard 6 pictures for you 6 pictures for you
click to enlarge
If there ever was a candidtate for "Reclamation and Re-Use" this is the property. Most of the interior moldings are gone. I suspect the curved window moldings on the first and second floor to disappear soon, too. I've written about "Reclamation and Re-Use." It's called Deconstructing Buffalo. It's also part of the Judge Nowak's Neigborhood Preservation Collaborative.

And if you are interested in getting this place properly secured and some justice for the owner, please contact Masten District Housing Liaiason Mark Boyd. He is heading up Antoine Thompson's office.

Mark Boyd's email. His office number is 851-5145. Please call, we need all the help you can spare.
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  1. I just looked at this place 2-3 days ago while driving by the Turret is amazing, The East Side Humboldts parkwaywas once the Richmond Ave of the East Side, Imagine the 33 splitting up Richmond and tell me how nice it would look then

  2. Another out of town owner - this one is in Stockbridge, Georgia. Cedric Walker - (770) 506-2928
