
Am I expecting too much?
Remember this post with these photographs. The accident here was 4 weeks ago.
New Urbanism? DSCN1647
Yesterday afternoon I snapped a new pic of the "bench" along Jefferson Avenue. Getting a bench repaired or properly located in the first place is just way too difficult it seems for us here on the city's east-side. I imagine Tops Market does more buisness than every other business on Jefferson Avenue put together on a daily basis. So it's not really representative of what's happening over here yet the indifference here is glaring.

How 'bout getting a house boarded up, into housing court or a city owned house that has been abandonded, boarded, derelict and vacant. I mean we can't even get a bench fixed. Phone calls, stopping in and talking with the manager on duty. Any other suggestions? Please let me know.
Four Weeks Later...Still Nothing!
4 pictures for you
Here's the other "Tops" bench. Again, was anyone thinking. The pic below on the left is at Jefferson and Best. Looks like another accident waiting to happen with that too close to the street placement. So why put a bench here in the middle of a sidewalk? No bus stop on that corner. Why not in the grassy area underneath a tree. Oh, that's right the city own's that.
4 pictures for you 4 pictures for you
Heading over to Cafe Aroma later in the afternoon to meet up for coffee I saw this bench on West Ferry properly located, away from the street. I often see people sitting on it...imagine what a good location will do.

I re-read Craig Reynold's piece "How Buffalo Get A Warhol" this evening. Post-modern reflections on life here in Buffalo. I'd suggest it for anyone thinking about the future of this place. I mean I feel like Sisyphus everyday. Do you think Sisyphus was happy? Maybe I'm mistaken. Tops might be waiting for big trash day.

I'll call Joe Golombek in the morning...
Artspace ArchiveAnnals of NeglectBAVPAWhere is Perrysburg?Broken Promises...
Writing the CityWoodlawn Row HousesTour dé Neglect - 2006faqmy flickr

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