
Ok, You Already Know I'm Addicted...
Can't get enough of this google crack. Adrian Holovaty developed ChicagoCrime.org and saw the little button I placed on my blog taking you to his site. He said, "Whoa...cool!"
Here's the lastest buzz from Technology Review...

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- Tracking sexual predators in Florida. Guiding travelers to the cheapest gas nationwide. Pinpointing $1,500 studio apartments for rent in Manhattan.

Geeks, tinkerers and innovators are crashing the Google party, having discovered how to tinker with the search engine's mapping service to graphically illustrate vital information that might otherwise be ignored, overlooked or not perceived as clearly.

I put this "Buffalo Wi-Fi Map" together earlier using google maps to keep track of "wi-fi" service in Buffalo. Now, how about preservationists getting it together to track and market "historic buffalo."

Other GmapTrack stuff that just caught my eye includes this map which keeps track of registered sex offenders somewhere in Oklahoma.

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Writing the CityWoodlawn Row HousesTour dé Neglect - 2006faq

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