
If you haven't checked out BuffaloResearch.com, you should. It never seems to fail that wherever I go in my mind...google trips...I find something bringing me right back to BuffaloResearch.com. I've always wondered how a librarian manages to do all this. Cynthia Van Ness, aka Betty Barcode, has managed to stitch together an incredible treasure trove of stuff about the Queen City.
I even found Cynthia's cv on-line...and of course this...
Victorian Buffalo
Cynthia Van Ness is pleased to announce that her first book, Victorian Buffalo, has gone into its second printing at Western New York Wares and is available at local bookstores. Out-of-towners can order it through their favorite local booksellers or mail order through the publisher or buy from a certain well-known online bookseller.
Cynthia has been a tremendous supporter of my little Masten neighborhood initiative to save the Woodlawn Row Houses. In her spare time she blogs about the Green House on Grant Street and moderates a few yahoo group lists like Buffalo Issues Alerts.

I swear it was Cynthia I saw yesterday afternoon peddling down the street, sporting a new lap-top on her handlebars...
Artspace ArchiveAnnals of NeglectBAVPAWhere is Perrysburg?Broken Promises...
Writing the CityWoodlawn Row HousesTour dé Neglect - 2006faq

1 comment:

  1. Oh. I didn't know your name was David too :) The one I was referring to is into Bflo Preservation :)
