
From...The Old First Ward
I strapped the Mad River canoe to my car late this morning and set off for the Old First Ward. Before entering the Buffalo River near the Ohio Street Lift Bridge, I checked out a few places and stumbled upon this K-9 training lot adjacent to an abandoned police precinct house. Some of the exterior lights were still on though most of them were missing or broken. There was a grimy, worn and tattered American flag barely blowing in the breeze on the city's flag pole. It seemed like it was holding on by just a thread. Way too bleak and unbelievable. The property, 294 Louisiana Street was home to old police precinct 7. This property doesn't appear on the most recent list of property the city is selling. Should we wonder why?
City Owned/Neglected K-9 Compund
Here in the "Old First Ward" residents seem to have their fair share of abandoned, boarded, derelict and vacant houses in this part of the city, too. This place is located at 73 Louisiana Street.
73 Louisiana Street
This is where I put the canoe in the water. Make sure to check out this really cool google satellite image of the area. The boat lauch here is full of drift wood and debris yet just right for my canoe or kayak. The Buffalo Rod & Gun Club's building is near here. The sign said it was established in 1938. Great history about Buffalo sportsman's clubs from Western New York Heritage Press.
Canoe Launch - Ohio Street
Here are a few other shots from the afternoon's exploration. Paddling along the Buffalo River brings some interesting things into view. While paddling along, I started to think about other abandoned commercial and industrial property here in Buffalo. I imagined that the corporations that were once paying property taxes might no longer worry about city taking back their property for non-payment. Interesting study. I did manage to fill a 128 mb card, so a few more silo pics and views from the water to follow soon...
Urban Ruins
I crossed the river near the Ohio Street Lift Bridge and stumbled upon this aging hulk. Does anyone know what sort of ship this might have been attached to? Interesting rehab project.


  • Just heard from über urban observer Hank Bromley and frequent reader of Fix Buffalo, that the "hulk" is most probably the wheel house from the good ship "The Canadiana." Karl Josker, a phenomenal photographer, has additional pics, over here. Click around his photo-albums for all sort of surprises. Chris Byrd, from InDaBuff - great local blog - suggests that this would make a fine "visitors kiosk" for the new inner-harbor project.
I just joined the yahoo group for the Crystal Beach Amusement Park and was told there was a thread about the S.S. Canadiana. Here's the link for a Canadiana Preservation Group that I found there. Lots of jucicy details describing what happened and didn't.
Canadiana Wheel House
A little further away I saw this fantastic shot of the city's skyline and what looks to be like another shovel ready site. Come to Buffalo and be (t)axed to death. By late afternoon I was back on the Titanic's main deck and joined friends at Cafe Aroma. Read the Times and fought over "IQ" as viable word while playing Scrabble.
Buffalo Skyline....rjr yacht yard
Artspace ArchiveAnnals of NeglectBAVPAWhere is Perrysburg?Broken Promises...
Writing the CityWoodlawn Row HousesTour dé Neglect - 2006faq


  1. The rotting hulk is possibly the wheelhouse from the Crystal Beach Boat (The Canadiana). I believe it sank or half-sank in another Great Lakes port.

  2. Brian...thanks for all the interest...

    First...Buffalo is a ghost town in many respects. There are vast areas of "urban prarie" just waiting for exploration and documentation. I often lead "Archeological Tours of Buffalo's Soon to be Famous Ruins." Consider coming along...to learn more about this place we call home. Despite the fact that 15/day leave Buffalo for other areas of the world.

    Second...I live on the east-side, a block away from the "Woodlawn Row Houses" Been here for 9 years.

    Third...Thanks for the love...we always have to attend to the surroundings we find ourselves in. I have backed away from some places and later re-entered on another day.

    John...thanks for the interest. I posted more pics in my archive. There's a link in the post somewhere. I added to my post and I'm pretty sure you are right about this being the Canadiana.
