
Another Park...See, I Told You So!

Hi, I'm a Council President, Welcome to Buffalo!

Frequent readers of my blog may still appreciate
this reference to "One FlewOver the Cuckoo's Nest."

I was wrong, sorry. Back in January I thought Council President David Franczyk wanted to make the former JN Adam TB Hospital in Perrysburg a city park. I should have known better. A local environmentalist, Dr. Laurence Beahan of Amherst would like to see the 650 acre complex become the latest New York State Park. The good doctor's plan is detailed in a letter to the editor that appeared in the Buffalo News last week.

Read all about the deal...
Right here!
And especially the "JN Adam - Trathen Forum" at SpeakUpWNY!

Dr. Beahan is a member of the Sierra Club, the Adirondack Mountain Club and serves as a representative to the re-licensing of the Niagara Power Project. He is a local author and has written a rather compelling narrative about life in Buffalo, back in the day when we could afford things like city parks. One of his books, My Grandpa's Woods, recounts tales of his grandfather as a logger in the family's Adirondack logging business, again back in the day...I guess when it was ok to be a logger.
Dr. Beahan's letter is wrong on a number of points. First, the Town of Perrysburg already has a town park and the former J. N. Adam site is clearly marked, "No Tresspassing." I think this means you're not supposed to use the place. Second, his perfect outcome...get this...
  • A perfect outcome would be for the state to buy the site from cash-starved Buffalo with Open Space money. Then, instead of falling to the ax, it would live on as a park.
Did you catch that? The good doctor seems to think that money grows on trees. Before suggesting that the people of Perrysburg give up potential tax revenue, Dr. Beahan should consider what happened a few years ago in East Aurora, NY. There, another 650 acres of land was removed from the tax rolls under Governor Pataki's Open Space Initiative. The tax generating Knox Polo Fields and Farm were purchased from the Knox family with New York State tax money (yes...that's right...your tax money funding the Knox family retirement fund) and the people of East Aurora were forced to offset that lost tax revenue with higher property taxes.
Meanwhile in Perrysburg, the people are counting on new tax revenue. That 650 acre site hasn't generated a penny for the town in 100 years. The Trathen offer is legitimate and it's the first offer in years according to Perrysburg Town Supervisor, Myrton Sprague who still enjoys wide spread support for the deal.

I'm sure, I'll hear from Dr. Beahan. Another park, please. Just what we need. Will some please remind him - David Franczyk, too - that we can't afford the parks we currently own. Imagine this letter...
  • Dear Dr. Beahan, In my neighborhood money doesn't grow on trees. If it does in your neighborhood would you please send some. We sure could use it. Thanks, Brian Lipke - Chairman of the Buffalo Fiscal Stability Authority
Let's finish the deal with Tom Trathen and move on to core business. Let's focus on Forest Avenue instead of some trees 40 miles away. The good people of Perrysburg can mind their own business just fine.
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Writing the CityWoodlawn Row HousesTour dé Neglect - 2006faq


  1. Thanks for keeping the Perrysburg issue alive, Dave.

    A park, that's precious. And you're quite right. IT'S THE COUNTRY, THEY DON'T NEED PARKS!

    A ski resort might work there. It is on the north slope of the hill and Perrysburg gets more snow than Ellicottville (I think.) And I've always envisioned it as a corporate retreat too -- hmm, maybe with skiing.

    But a park? Please.

  2. Larry Beehan is right. “When the last tree is cut, the last river poisoned and the last fish dead, we will discover that we can’t eat money!”

  3. Bob...please. Facts not hype! "The last tree..." is a myth. Forests have grown by 10 million acres since 1990 here in North America. And please remember your Adam Smith, "It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their self-interest." BTW...love the recipes on your web-site. I served the pecan crusted salmon, tonite. Everyone loved it!
