
"Slrbs" and Urban Legends...

The latest on-line edition of Planetizen just arrived. There is a piece by Bloomberg columnist, Andrew Ferguson. He mentions one of my favorite "urbanist" thinkers and historians Joel Kotkin. Last week I posted this latest Joel Kotkin article, required reading for urban folks, The Rise of the Ephemeral City. My posting was picked up on SpeakUpWNY. Thanks Linda!

Gabe, posted a response to Kotkin's writing and some other posts at SpeakUpWNY.
This included a link to James S. Russell's article from Harvard Design Magazine, Fall 2000.
It's called Privitized Lives: On the Embattled 'Burbs.

Well here is what Andrew Ferguson has to say about the battle between the city and the suburbs. Stuff we ought to be thinking about while attending planning and preservation meetings in the months and yes, years ahead.

Andrew Ferguson 4/27/05 Slrbs vs. City: 'Burbs Win!

I'll archive the piece, too when I return from the Revitalize Buffalo meeting tonite at the Delaware Park Casino. The meeting begins at 7pm. Everyone is invited.


  1. I don't think it's necessarily true that the suburbs have won.

    It certainly is true that a majority of people have chosen to live there but given a safe and attractive alternative, that might change.

    I'm certainly opposed to dictating to the suburbs what they should look like -- that's entirely up to them. But Buffalo, I think, by making itself feel "urban" and I have to point out lower Elmwood as an example, can begin to attract people back who like the activity and the "feel" of a city.

    Of course all the problems with crime, schools, and political corruption need to be solved at the same time or people will continue to choose the suburbs.

    But it isn't the sprawl they're attracted to, they just put up with that.

  2. This post sounds interesting and I like it. Thank you for sharing and I am looking forward on your next post.

    Charles A
