
Revitalize Buffalo...Today for Tomorrow!

Alan over at Buffalo Pundit writes about the meeting, too...

Tonite at the Delaware Park Casino, Amy Maxwell and Megan Weaver, two of Buffalo's most inspiring über-community leaders and organizers of Revitalize Buffalo, led a group of about 100 people who gathered to continue charting the course of Buffalo's broad based cultural and economic revitalization.

The meeting began with a fascinating round where everyone had an opportunity to introduce themselves. We were reminded by another über-community activist, Harvey Garrett, that we can't talk our way out of this mess that we find ourselves in. He said he would stay involved with the organization as long as there were concrete results being produced. Amy Maxwell reviewed a number of accomplishments that the organization has just completed. We broke into small working groups after the meeting was over and discussed a wide range of issues.

I led a small group after the meeting ended about Buffalo's east-side, historic property and the problems presented by abandonded, boarded, derelict and vacant houses. We've decided to meet, photo-document and set up small tours so people can become more familiar with this, the other-side, of Main Street.

Tonite I met an inspiring group of people and learned a few things about this community, too. A block away, Jennifer runs the Bristol Home. Make sure to check it out. I drive and walk by it everyday and first learned about it tonite...duh! Two other people, Michelle and Carey, in my working group, just started a business researching and documenting the architectural history of property here in Buffalo. I'll make sure to spread the good word as I learn more about their business.

Another Buffalo Blogger and Attorney, Alan Bedenko, was at my table tonite. He runs the phenomenally successful, Buffalo Pundit, which I now have good reason to link to. Judy Einach, who is running for Mayor with the Primary Challenge endorsement, did a fantastic job of being in two places at once and was at the Casino tonite talking with people as they first arrived. Check out her website Judy4Mayor.org to learn more about her positions and strategy for winning the Mayor's Office in November.


  1. I went online this morning to check out your blog and I have a few things
    I wanted to share with you. I do appreciate that you wanted to stress the
    fact that there were quite a few people there. However saying there were
    250 people there when clearly there were closer to 100 people is a gross
    misrepresentation. Also, it should be noted that Judy Einach was there to
    meet me, not there to meet people in the group. And she left almost as
    quickly as she arrived. As I mentioned during the meeting last night, we
    are not just nonpartisan; we are apolitical and it's very important for
    people to know that. Getting involved with politicians on any level as a
    group gets too sticky, so we aren't going to do that. Not to say that
    individuals from the group can't support a candidate one way or another,
    but as Revitalize Buffalo, we won't support candidates for any political
    office. We're happy to sit down and talk with them...as citizens
    concerned about Buffalo and the region.

  2. Made the number change...I've heard from others in attendance already who said it felt like there were twice as many people in the room...so much energy. I really appreciate the "no-endorsement" and "a-political" orientation of your organization, Amy. I think it will really help Buffalo move forward. Talk to you soon...

  3. Thanks for making the number change...how about changing the part about Judy Einach? I mean yes she was there, but her talking to people was merely coincidental and if you note she was there, you need to note that probable mayoral candidate Steve Calvaneso was also there for part of the meeting as well.

  4. Did someone say that Revitilize Buffalo was supporting a certain candidate? I am confused...I thought this post was just talking about people at a meeting for a group that he happens to be a member of...not endorsing anyone...

  5. Thanks for the comments - I'd like RB to be known as an organization that attracts a large number of involved people - but I'd rather our progress be represented accurately - and I want to be noticed for that number then, not prematurely.


  6. David...I've heard the same thing from a number of other biz-people who attended, too. Perhaps we'll hear from RB regarding some more concrete proposals in the very near future. I'll keep track of things as I see them right here. Your comments about the UB students are probably correct.

    Bella200...thanks, I'm not objective by any measure and most often I rely on others to be able to arrive at their own opinions...ah, thinking for ourselves!


  7. Here is a question to consider when formulating a revitalization plan: Do you hold the highest respect for the oppinions of
    1)People who live there now.
    2)People who have lived there before and why did they leave.
    3)People who are interested in returning.
    People who do not fall into any of the above catagories, yet insist in formulating strong ideas based on hearsay, propaganda, and a desire to just 'be involved'?

    I am sorry to inform some well intentioned 'do gooders', that unless they take into consideration the individuals who actually have something to lose when a neighborhood declines, their true intentions become apparent. Urban revitalization shouldn't be the hot new charity for neo-yuppies searching for a sense of purpose! All human beings act on their self intrests, and in this situation, the intrests of homeowners and residents should be served, NOT the grandiose egos of 'altruistic cannibals' feeding off the cause of architectural preservation.

  8. Could you elaborate on the 'neo yuppies/grandiose egos' concept?

  9. To "Here is a question to consider"...if 1000 people move down-town to cool lofts spaces and 10,000 people leave Buffalo, where's the trend? I got involved in blogging my neighborhood in large part because of my concern with my own property values. I've seen positive changes in-linking people together here in the 'hood to get things done.

  10. It was not my intention to become a bone of contention, even slightly, when I came to RB meeting. I planned on coming just to listen, and originally I planned to stay the whole time. Unfortunately another meeting came up that I was required to attend. I couldn't get out of it. It also began at 7. I wrote an email to Amy, asked for a few minutes of her time, which she gave me. We set a meeting time to get together so she could bring me current on issues and perspectives coming up at RB meetings. She informed me the group would make no endorsements, but I never asked for one. I didn't come to seek an endorsement. Before I left, I spoke with a few people who came early to the meeting and were sitting inside. Outside I spoke with people who were coming in. I spent about a half hour talking with folks. I heard great ideas. I wanted to stay and hear more. I didn't care that I was late for the meeting I had to attend. I'm glad another candidate showed up. I have no idea what that person's motives were for coming. Mine was to listen and to meet people. I was very impressed by the quality of ideas and the passion for the City that I heard. From my perspective, being a candidate isn't all about spouting my point of view. In fact, it's more about listening to other people's points of view and integrating what I hear into my own thinking about how to make City govt work for us. I hope I will be welcome at future meeting.
