
Sam Hoyt and Preservation...Curious Mix?

On April 16th the Buffalo News ran a story by Mark Sommers about New York State Assemblyman Sam Hoyt's latest preservation initiative. I've archived the full text of the article so you can read it next week, too...

  • Hoyt Wants Laws to Back Historic Preservation

    News Staff Reporter

    Assemblyman Sam Hoyt wants Buffalo to protect its historic buildings and he wants the State Legislature to do its part.

    Hoyt said Buffalo should follow the lead of other cities, including New York City and Albany, that have enacted ordinances requiring owners of historic properties to maintain them in "good repair" against deterioration, decay or damage.

    "Buffalo has a wealth of significant architecture that other cities can only dream of," Hoyt said. "We need more teeth in our ability to hold property owners accountable when it comes to the maintenance of historic properties."

    Hoyt said...continue...
I first started covering the story about the significance of the Samuel Tredwell House decision back in December 2004 as it first appeared in the New York Times. In this case Judge Tolub vigoursly enforced current laws. Here, Sam Hoyt is wrong. We don't need new legislation. We simply have to enforce current laws.

The New York Times link no longer works yet the New York Daily News covered the case at the same time. Read it here.

Sam, check with Judge Nowak. He's enforcing the law. The problem with historic preservation in the city of Buffalo is that the city has no business owning the stuff.

Sam, really want to help? Three things...
  1. Tell Council President David Franczyk to call Perrysburg Town Supervisor Myrton Sprague and get the J N Adam deal done.
  2. Develop a plan to help the city sell the Wollenberg Grain Elevator
  3. Help develop a similar plan to market the Woodlawn Row Houses

1 comment:

  1. wow! didn't know about this bill. Why then would Sam sit silent for months knowing that the only intact historic community left in buffalo by the waterfront is about to be completly obliterated come March 2008 and replaced by 45 acres of concrete, tens of thousands of diesel trucks and years of pollution? He won't give us any answers.
