
Judy in the 'Hood...

On Friday evening 400 residents of Buffalo and Erie County gathered at the Buffalo Convention Center to hear the acceptance speeches from the candidates Primary Challenge had just recently endorsed for November's Mayoral Race here in Buffalo, NY. Various Primary Challenge candidates for seats in the Erie County Legislature, spoke as well. Kevin Pryor is someone to watch for District 3, here in the 'hood.

Here Judy Einach is talking with Buffalo residents shortly after Primary Challenge's endorsement. Joe Schmidbauer from Buffalo's established alternative media community and former Masten Council Member David Collins were on hand to congradulate Judy Einach on the endorsement, too!

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Craig, from North Coast US, covered the event. Here's his recap.

And on Saturday morning, Judy Einach held the first press conference of her campaign right here in this little corner of Masten in front of the Woodlawn Row Houses.

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Again Craig, from North Coast US, covered the event. Here's his take on Judy Einach's mayoral campaign.

Make sure to check out what Judy Einach had to say about the City's ownership of the Woodlawn Row Houses and the condition of city neighborhoods. Here' s the full text of her remarks on Saturday morning.
  • These Woodlawn Row Houses, with "local landmark" status are sadly a perfect example of poor public stewardship. Imagine what we could accomplish if City government worked in concert with community activists to address the problems we seek to solve. City government sets the standard.
Check out Judy Einach's website, Judy4Mayor.org. I'll be sure to keep readers of this blog up-dated regarding Judy's Mayoral Campaign and urban policy especially as it relates to issues impacting neighborhoods such as this.

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