
Urban Homesteading, anyone? - No City Taxes!

This home at 23 Waverly Street appears to be in excellent structural condition. I've never been inside so I can't tell you anything about the mechanics. I know a few realtors and very responsive real estate attorney that could assist you with this deal. I have no financial interest in this property other than how it will continue to stimulate neighborhood stability and enhance adjacent property values. Here's the property information from the city's website. With the Star Program, there are no city property taxes!

click to enlarge

It's described as a two-family home. It could easily be converted to a single. There are three new homes on this block. A few of the newer homes around the corner on Woodlawn and Ferry are rather substantial and make a strong positive contribution to this unique urban landscape. Don't forget that the newly remodeled Performing Arts High School will find its permanent home one short block away from 23 Waverly. I imagine that a deal could be made with the owners of this house that would be very advantageous to the new owner.

Look at some of the other exciting developments that are happening here in this little 25 block area of Masten, Main/Jefferson -- Ferry/Utica. I know you are probably thinking, why here..."location, location, location"...as soon as you walk around the area your perception of this neighborhood will change...really.

Let me know if you are interested in a neighborhood tour.

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