
A Few More Demos...

In the past week two additional - City of Buffalo - houses were demolished. Both of these structures were located with in a two block radius of the new permanent home of Performing Arts High School. The house at 76 East Utica was located along the primary path Buffalo Traditional High School students used to walk as they lweft the Main/Utica station and walked over to Michigan and the two blocks to school.

Here the pics...

76 East Utica - Before & After

click to enlarge
176 East Utica - Before & After

click to enlarge
Both properties have been sitting here for years, two blocks from a school. While nothing like this has happened in Buffalo, yet... I have written this recently about abandoned, boarded derelict and vacant houses.

While there seems to be an official list of city and privetly reowned property that is abandoned, boarded, derelict and vacant located with in a block of recently reconstructed city schools, very little seems to be done about the obvious public health and safety problems these properties present to city students and neighborhood residents.

This little corner of Masten Main/Jefferson - Ferry/Utica that surrounds the site of the new permanent home of Performing Arts High School seems to be the focus of city officials efforts to deliver services and get rid of the problems. Six city owned properties have been demolished in the past 60 days.

Here are the other properties that have been demolished in the past 60 days here in Masten.
And the remaining abandoned, baorded, derelict and vacant houses with in two blocks of Performing Arts High School new home.
Not all abandoned, boarded, derelict and vacant houses are good demo candidates. I've written about this, too. Check that out for two outstanding urban homesteading opportunities. Yet with out any program eminating from City Hall what are the realistic prospects for an innovative urban homesteading program coming to this neighborhood? Right, zip nadda...not until our annointed and elected officials begin to get creative and understand the real needs of our urban neighborhoods.

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