
Killing the forest...to save a few trees, Part 3

And you thought it couldn't get any worse...

This afternoon after shoveling snow, I called Perrysburg to speak with Myrton Sprague, the town supervisor. His wife told me that he wasn’t available as he was tending the grape field. I imagine we’ll speak tomorrow.

It occurred to me that the people of Perrysburg are probably much more sane about local government than we are here in the ‘hood. Myrton has been brokering a deal with Trathen as I mentioned last week to sell the 650+ acre JN Adam site in Perrysburg and finally return it to the tax roles. He’s the top politico in Perrysburg and has been doing this on a part-time basis. He grows grapes full time. When I first spoke to him last week he seemed to me the kind of guy who is not afraid to call a spade-a-spade. Reasonable and forward thinking, continue reading...

Artspace ArchiveAnnals of NeglectBAVPAWhere is Perrysburg?Broken Promises...
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