
Fix Buffalo's First Milestone...
for blogging the 'hood!

100 Unique hits in 24 hours!

When you google Brian Lipke new Chairman for the Buffalo Control Board....I'm #4. Ahead of Bruce Jackson from "Buffalo Report" and even the official NYS announcement from Pataki's office!!! Just wait for syndication....coming real soon!

And a new site featuring pictures and ownership and inspections reports of all the abandoned, boarded, crime infested and derelict property in this 25 block Masten neighborhood Main/Jefferson -- Ferry/Utica and of course what you can do to help! Imagine the impact we will have if just half of the daily visitors to this blog call one elected offical about one house and send one e-mail to the Chief Building Inspector complaining about the conditions at a specific property.

Check back soon or simply subscribe to this blog by entering your e-mail and the subscription box on the right....

Unique and proven strategies for getting results in the 'hood!

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