
60 Brantford vs. 198 Glenwood...

This morning I had the opportunity to talk with Paul Johnson about his plans for 60 Brantford. I first wrote about this place shortly after it burned last May and a few weeks ago I wrote this short post which is a brief comparison of how West side and East side "burn-outs" are handled.

Same City, huh? I know just a different set of rules...

Well last week the demo crew was in full swing. I managed to snag a few of those spindles and some metal work after bringing the crew coffee from Aroma just around the corner. Paul plans three town houses for the property.
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Notice that Paul put up a metal fence around his demolition. This picture, that I took last week shows what a demolition site looks like on the City's East side. No fence. And remember this Jefferson Avenue pic from September? Seems like there is a different set of codes for the Elmwood Village and the East Side. Here's that short post about Jeffereson Avenue things...

After chatting with Paul I returned to the 'hood...198 Glenwood and the subject of that East side vs. West side comparison.
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198 Glenwood is still open, burned and complete eyesore more than three years after the fire. Here' s the google map showing the proximity to the future home of Performing Arts High School.

I just checked the City's website to confirm ownership and noticed that the City took the property back at the recent October tax sale. So...please tell me like who is paying for this demolition. Last time I checked, there was a warrant out for the arrest of what is now the former owner of 198 Glenwood.

I'm like so pissed...See also my School House Project- March 2005
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